Thursday, July 10, 2008

My Crafty Girls!!

My two girls have been busy this summer being crafty. I guess that is a good thing when the thermometer is showing 110 outside! Not at all my idea of a good time.

Anyhoo, this is my 14 year old, Jessica. She has really been busy making pillows for the family. This is one of her own creations. She took some fabric and sewed the pillow and then has added candy wrappers that were destined for the trash onto the front of her pillow. Can you believe she hand sewed this? She created the design in the front too.
This is the back of the pillow.
Here is a closeup to show the handstitching. I asked her how she will rest her head on it without being bugged by the constant "crinkle, crinkle" of the wrappers and she laughed. Oh well.
This is my youngest, Sara who is 10. She was also busy being a crafty girl! She was looking for something to do one day and I handed her a bunch of beads and some clear elastic wire and told her to have fun with it and call me if she needed any help. This is what she came up with:
Bracelet 1: "I (heart) Hello Kitty.

Bracelet 2: in Miley Cyrus. OMG, what girl age 11 and below has not been bitten by the Miley Cyrus/Hannah Montana bug? Sara was bitten pretty bad. I guess it could be worse.

These are some more of Sara's creations. They are erasers that you form out of clay and then bake in the oven for a short time. Don't ask me if they erase. I have not seen them in action and I have a pretty good feeling that they will never see the likes of any paper. Kind of like Pampered Erasers!

Eraser 1 : Mohawk Dude (not my words!) :)

Eraser 2: Donut

Eraser 3: Hamburger

It has been fun watching them make their own creations. I will post more as they are completed.

Thanks so much for stopping by!!

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