This come is called "Optical Sawtooth." I am not so sure I like the results on this one. Not that Amanda gave bad directions or anything, I am just not sure where I made my boo boo at.
The next star that we are on now is "Martha Washington" star. It is very pretty and I hope that I can do it justice. Keep your fingers crossed for me!
My youngest dd and I went thrifting today. We hit a few in Antioch and then one in Oakley. We had some good luck but nothing to post pics about. I did manage to find 13 Martha Stewart, Victoria, Country Living, and Mary Engelbreit's Home Companion though for 50 cents each. They are a few years old but HEY, good ideas never grow old, right? Maybe the pickins will be better next week.
If you want to see someone that always scores in the Thrifting department check out Monkeybox. I am forever drooling when I go to her blog!!
Well, I must run, my youngest is coming home from Cheer Camp and sent me a text message that she is really sunburnt.
Thanks for stopping by!